South African Chapter of the International Association of College and University Housing Officials


About us:

ACUHO-I SAC aims to contribute to the improvement and coordination of the various aspects of student housing, student residences and apartments, food services, developmental programming, administration, conference services, plant operations, maintenance and related programs at member institutions on an international scale.


To collectively transform Africa through student housing communities.


Intentionally creating opportunities with value-driven student and staff development, as well as enhancing institutional synergy, through safe student-centred listening, living and learning spaces and facilities, where diversity is celebrated.

Office bearers:

  • Doc Nhassengo (President)
  • Quitin Koetaan (President Elect)
  • Aaron Mogashoa (Vice President)
  • Benita van Zyl (Treasurer)
  • Pieter Kloppers (Research & Development)
  • Jacob Simango (General Secretary) 
  • Shirani Nhlangwini (Deputy Secretariat)
  • Siyavuya Papu (Administrator)
