
  • To serve as a vehicle for its affiliates to collaborate and professionally serve students in the Higher Education and Further Education and Training (FET) sector;


  • To ensure a coherent approach for engagement with the South African Department of Higher Education and Training (DHET), Higher Education Institutions (HEI), FET sector and other relevant interested role-players on behalf of affiliates;


  • To support, encourage and contribute to the mission and vision of affiliates;
    To provide a united “voice”, and present the aspirations and concerns of HEI and the FET sector;


  • To promote networking opportunities among members, affiliates and non-members at the various institutions/colleges of learning in order to create a channel for the regular exchange of ideas, techniques and methods related to improving the services within students affairs;


  • To professionalize student affairs departments in Southern African institutions of higher learning and the FET sector;


  • To encourage and assist members and non-members making student affairs a career choice;


  • To promote the role of members as professional providers of co-curricular and supportive education within a living and learning context of higher education institutions and the FET sector;


  • To promote liaison between members and persons/bodies in related positions at regional, national and international institutions;


  • To investigate and report on matters which are relevant to the field of activities of all affiliates;


  • To establish relations with other practitioners, associations, unions and student organizations;


  • To facilitate and advise on transformation of institutions of higher learning and the FET sector;


  • To assist Southern African institutions of higher learning and the FET sector to increase research and development within student affairs departments;


  • To develop and implement a leadership development programme for Student Affairs and Services Professionals;


  • To develop best practices utilized in FET colleges and universities in Southern Africa and abroad;


  • To develop partnerships with key stakeholders;


  • Inspire and empower professionals to make a difference in the lives of students;
  • To mobilize resources to support the profession;


  • To build capacity to create knowledge and use data to provide evidence that will support excellence in practice;


  • To strengthen Student Affairs in Southern Africa by making the profession more responsible, vital and sustainable.